Opening hours:
FR, SA 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
(from November to the end of March).

You can buy Italy. With these words Frank Schönberger advertises his products. Cafféetc has been bringing the Italian way of life to Tyrol since 1999. First with Caffée. Now also with further, natural delicacies of our southern neighbor. Handpicked and with decades of experience we track down small but fine producers who live for their products. Whether olive oil from the mountains of Umbria, sughi from hand-sown Rio tomatoes, salt that is good enough even for the Pope, organic pasta with an exciting story from the earthquake region of Norcia or hand-picked and air-dried pistachios from Sicily. Visit us and treat yourself to a piece of the finest. A piece of Italy.

Contact details:
Caffeetc – Italienische Feinheiten
Frank Schönberger
Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer 1-3
6020 Innsbruck, Austria



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