Opening hours:
FR - SA 09:00 a. m. - 1:00 p. m.
Joseph Heim is concerned with the connection of human individuals with the gifts of nature, more precisely with the healing and enjoyment herbs of nature. The alpine herb farm is located in the Sidantal/Hochschwendberg. There he collects wild growing alpine and mountain herbs between 1500 and 2500 meters. He harvests and processes them with such care that between 95 and 98% of their active ingredients are preserved.
Teas, spices, incense, alpine herb salt, room and food herbs for smoking, syrups, tinctures and medicinal sweets, oils, soaps or noble brandies are sold by Joseph Heim with expert explanation mainly in winter and spring in the Innsbruck market hall.
Contact details:
Almkräuterei Joseph Heim
Joseph Heim
Hochschwendberg 671
6283 Hippach, Austria