Kranebitter's Käse Kulinarium

Opening hours:
MO - FR 7:30 a.m. - 6:15 p.m.
SA 7:30 a. m. - 1:00 p. m.

Since 2013 you can choose from one of the largest cheese assortments in Tyrol at Stefan Kranebitter. As a certified cheese sommelier and member of the int. cheese guild, he advises his customers with his competent expertise. He has a changing assortment of over 100 types of cheese which ranges from local specialties to France, Spain, Greece, Holland or Great Britain. In addition, the Cheese Culinarium in the Innsbruck Market Hall presents everything else that goes with cheese - from honey to mustard sauces to chutneys.

The service also includes grating cheese for cheese fondue and spaetzle, cutting for raclette, complete cheese plates and platters, gift packs and gift baskets, as well as deliveries for events, catering and gastronomy.

Stefan Kranebitter also runs a wholesale business for gastronomy, hotels and resellers with the cheeses of the natural cheese dairy Sojer from the Lechtal.

Contact details:
Kranebitter’s Käse-Kulinarium
Stefan Kranebitter
Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer 1-3
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

T +43 512 56 72 38
M+43 664 450 57 91



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